Surnames Bi-Ch
Surnames Cl-D
Surnames E-He
Surnames Hi-Le
Surnames Lo-M
Surnames N-R
Surname S
Surnames T-Wal
Baptisms 1731-1747


Here are a list of Macclesfield Forest St Stephen's Baptisms, mostly from 1756-1812, in surname order.

 The registers have omissions, some years being incomplete and some of the entries have no child's name, surname or parents name. Care has been taken to ensure entries are correct, but original records should be checked. Often the baptismal register contained the child's place of residence, sometimes even a particular farm. (not included in this index) Most of the people who used this parish church were from Macclesfield Forest and Wildboarclough, although there were people from Sutton and Saltersford baptising their children here.

Surnames A-Bi

Bapt/Born Name Surname Dau/Son Father Mother Day Month Year
Bapt Mary ? s Joseph Elizabeth 6 December 1772
Bapt John Ainsworth s Matthew Jane 30 November 1783
Bapt James Ba? s John Sarah 10 August 1762
Bapt George Bagshaw s   Ellin 30 July 1766
Bapt Elizabeth Bailey d John Mary 1 January 1804
Bapt Joseph Bailey s John Mary 16 February 1806
Bapt ? Bailey   John Mary 24 April 1808
Bapt Ann Bailey d John Mary 10 February 1811
Bapt Mary Bancroft d Cheney Nancy 2 October 1791
Bapt ? Barlow s Hugh Leah     1770
Bapt ? Barlow d John Sarah 10 November 1771
Bapt Hugh Barlow s William Alice 13 July 1766
Bapt Mary Barlow d John Sarah 5 July 1764
Bapt Martha Barlow d John Sarah 16 February 1766
Bapt Hugh Barlow s John Sarah 23 July 1769
Bapt Hannah Barlow d William Alice 6 September 1764
Bapt Thomas Barlow s William Alice 12 September 1773
Bapt Philip Barlow s James Alice 17 December 1781
Bapt Martha Barlow d William Betty 4 July 1784
Bapt James Barlow s James Alice 28 May 1786
Bapt William Barlow s James Peggy 31 August 1786
Bapt Alice Barlow d James Margaret 24 January 1789
Bapt Thomas Barlow s James Margaret 17 July 1791
Bapt Henry Barlow s Samuel Mary 2 January 1794
Bapt Hannah Barlow d James Peggy 13 August 1795
Bapt John Barlow s James Margaret 25 April 1801
Bapt Sarah Barlow d Hugh Martha 7 March 1802
Bapt James Barlow s William Betty 11 April 1802
Bapt Ann Barlow d John Betty 27 March 1803
Bapt Elizabeth Barlow d Thomas Nancy 19 June 1803
Bapt George Barlow s William Elizabeth 22 January 1804
Bapt Mary Barlow d   Martha 20 March 1804
Bapt Alice Barlow d John Betty 20 January 1805
Bapt Ann Barlow d James Margaret 16 June 1805
Bapt Nancy Barlow d William Elizabeth 5 January 1806
Bapt Martha Barlow d James Margaret 12 April 1807
Bapt Mary Barlow d John Betty     1808
Bapt Betty Bayley d John Mary 7 May 1789
Bapt Samuel Bayley s John Mary 1 January 1792
Bapt Mary Bayley d John Mary 14 July 1793
Bapt Harriot Bayley d Matthew   9 February 1796
Bapt Amelia Bayley d Matthew   9 February 1796
Bapt Sarah Bayley d John Mary 28 February 1796
Bapt Harrietta Beard d Robert Betty 9 February 1800
Bapt John Billinge s John Hannah 9 October 1803
Bapt Sarah Birchanall d John Mary 13 September 1812
Bapt Anne Birchenall d John Nancy 26 December 1793
Bapt Ralph Birchenall s John Mary 25 December 1799
Bapt Martha Birchenall d John Mary 11 July 1802
Bapt Mary Birchenall d John Mary 11 November 1804
Bapt Sarah Birchenall d John Nancy 6 October 1805
Bapt Hannah Birchenall d John Mary 4 January 1807
Bapt Mary Birchenall d   Mary 4 August 1809
Bapt Ann Birchenall d John Mary 7 January 1810
Bapt ? Birchenough d Jonathan   12 September 1769
Bapt ? Birchenough d Thomas     July 1770
Bapt William Birchenough s Jonathan Ann 16 December 1773
Bapt Mary Birchinall d Johathan Ann 11 November 1764
Bapt Sarah Birchinall d Isaac ? 30 October 1768
Bapt Peter Birchinall s Robert Rebeckah 7 September 1766
Bapt Ann Birchinall d William Mary 8 August 1767
Bapt Hugh Birchinall s Jonathan ? 8 March 1768
Bapt John Birchinall s William Mary 19 June 1774
Bapt John Birchinall s Ralph Martha 4 February 1777
Bapt Robert Birchinall s Joseph Mary 8 October 1786